What did Gruber really say?
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage."
Does he have a point?
I'm not an economist and health care is not my field. Engineering is. Montgomery County's public statements, and lack thereof, and the news media's (print, TV, radio, internet) failure to report the Silver Spring Transit Center debacle "in depth", and to ask "probing questions", are definitely lack of transparency on Montgomery County's and the news media's parts.
In May 2014 Montgomery County MD councilman Phil Andrews said:
"'This project has been a monumental debacle', Andrews stated. 'There's no comparison between the Silver Spring Transit Center and any other construction project in the county's history.'
In 1993, county leaders estimated a transit center would cost $26 million to build. That figure more than tripled to $93 million in 2008. In 2013 it spiked again to $120 million. Following the newest round of planned repairs, Silver Spring's fiscal eyesore should top-out at around $131 million.
'It is tens-of-millions-of-dollars over budget, it's got major safety issues, major durability issues, it can't work as intended at this point,' Andrews said. 'It's just way overdue.'"
There's more.
The Silver Spring Transit Center is publicly funded: 53% federal, 11% state (MD) and 36% county (Montgomery).
In March 2013 Montgomery County made public a structural investigation and report for the over-budget, overdue SSTC. The report documents severe structural flaws, including widespread cracking, deck slabs more than an inch thinner than what they're supposed to be, under strength and over stressed concrete, exposed reinforcement, missing reinforcement, a complete lack of expansion joints, under designed beams, etc. The report blames the numerous flaws on "errors and omissions" by the SSTC's builder/contractor Foulger Pratt, design engineer Parsons Brinkerhoff and concrete inspector/tester and special quality inspector Balter Co. Montgomery County chose these private companies, non-competitively, via public-private partnership, to design, build and inspect the SSTC. Why didn't Montgomery County use the normal competitive practices for selecting a builder/contractor, design engineer and concrete testing and inspection firm for a public works project? Crony capitalism? The mainline news media isn't asking; and, Montgomery County isn't talking.
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Look whose tongues that the cat's got! Montgomery County's and the news media! |
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Crony Capitalism |
Currently, publicly funded "repairs" are being made to the yet-to-be-opened SSTC. However, without expansion joints, the lemon SSTC can be expected to continue to crack in the future.
Montgomery County failed to hold public meetings to inform the paying public as to what they are doing and why they are doing it, and to answer the public's questions and to take their comments on the public record BEFORE the County began "repairing" the yet-to-be-opened, supposed-to-be-brand-new, LEMON SSTC. The mainline news media failed to report this blatant lack of transparency.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage."
Former Montgomery County councilwoman Valerie Ervin spoke about Montgomery County's lack of transparency in an interview:
"... there's a lot of the story still underneath the surface (translation: we haven't been told the whole truth) ... it's going to cost taxpayers a lot of money until it's resolved (contrary to what we've been told) ... people have many reasons not to believe what they've been told (translation: we've been lied to)".
You have a point, Jonathan Gruber.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage."
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage."
BTW, the incumbent County Executive and County Council were re-elected.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage."
One thing that is transparent: The Silver Spring Transit Center is a $130+ million, money pit, LEMON that will be wasting public funds (US, MD & Montgomery County) for DECADES.