Silver Spring Transit Center may open by fall after all - The Washington Post
8/4/2015 10:59 PM EDT
Metro dropped their requirement for $15 million? Why? Somebody clearly cut a deal behind the scenes. Let the falling concrete begin.
6:07 AM EDT
It's a deal alright; but, it isn't a new deal--it's the same old deal that was in place when Montgomery County chose their private sector buddies to design, build and inspect the SSTC (public-private partnership), instead of the normal open competition that takes place with most public works projects. It's the same hand that's always dealt to taxpayers--politics wins; and in return, we taxpayers get a "monumental debacle", and get to pay for "repairs" and high future maintenance costs as well. Such a deal! Besides, in addition to being a "dealer" itself, Metro has too many problems of its own to stand up to Montgomery County.

Silver Spring Transit Center
Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center
Montgomery County MD
public-private partnership
crony capitalism
Federal Highway Administration (FTA)
Maryland Transit Administration (MTA)
Purple Line
Gov. Hogan