Friday, October 23, 2015

Corrupt two-party system

Neither party is viable--both are corrupt. It's way past time to start over. No Republicans, no Democrats, no lobbyists, no PACs, no expensive TV ads... No political parties--just candidates simply presenting their positions on line (e.g., League of Women Voters) one month before the election--a single document with a 10 page limit; and, voters who can think on their own. ... Wait a minute!!! "Voters who can think on their own"?!? Who am I kidding???

source: (More Crony Media) How the press works to keep the 2 (really 1?) party system in power (Video) |

"We have met the enemy and he is us."

If you think that crony capitalism is bad with the two-party system, then you need to look at crony capitalism in places where they have a one-party system--like Montgomery County MD


crony capitalism 
Silver Spring Transit Center 
Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center 
Montgomery County MD 
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) 
Federal Transit Administration 
news media 
Purple Line 
Gov. Hogan 

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Even in the city, and even with the naked eye, on a cloudless night, the sky is full of lights. Some lights are relatively close—manmade--airplanes, helicopters, satellites. There's our moon. Some are other planets and moons in our own solar system. Some are comets, meteors and asteroids. Most are a few of the 300 billion stars in our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Light from other of the more distant estimated 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each with an estimated average of 100 billion stars per galaxy, can take millions of light years to get to us. 

Take a look--it's amazing!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

common sense

Villanova University Announces Changes to Its Public Safety Department

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Benjamin Franklin 

This country needs more common sense solutions to problems.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Andrew Higgins

many of this country's greatest engineers are those without engineering degrees--Higgins, Edison, the Wright Bros. (my favorites), etc.

another Higgins anecdote: Early during WWII when the Navy asked Higgins to come up with a new design for a landing craft that could carry a tank, Higgins did so. no blueprints. He built the boat and delivered it to the Navy--61 hours after the Navy made their request!

and another: Higgins demanded that the Navy reopen negotiations on a contract which had already been signed. He insisted that the contract price be reduced, because he felt that his profit was too high.

and another: In 1943 Higgins had more than 20,000 employees, including women and African Americans whose wages were the same as white men. In 1943 the US Navy had an inventory of over 14,000 boats and ships--almost 13,000 (92%) were boats designed or built by Higgins Industries.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

simple truths

after considerable thought, and going from one side to the other, and not being a gun owner myself, I have come to the conclusion that tougher gun laws are not the answer. VA Tech, Columbine, Ft. Hood, Newtown, Oregon, etc--it all comes down to the last line of defense--kill or be killed. If one person with a gun in any of these mass shootings had taken the terrorist out, then lives would have been saved. A terrorist is a terrorist--domestic or foreign, sane or not.

During his homily a month or so ago Fr. Gould (pastor, St. John the Evangelist in Warrenton) mentioned how the sheriff asked to meet with local pastors following Charleston. When two black pastors were asked what they were going to do, they said "We're going to arm our congregation". Fr. Gould found that surprising. I don't find it surprising at all.

"I solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, so help me God." 

oath taken by members of Congress and commissioned military personnel. 

The last line of defense from those who murder innocent citizens is to take out the terrorist(s), foreign or domestic. It's called "self-defense". The right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", as well as the right to defend ourselves against enemies foreign and domestic, are clearly spelled out in our founding documents and in common law. 

(BTW, those in Washington DC, Chicago and other locations who shoot and kill anyone, including innocent children, in drive-by shootings are domestic terrorists.)

60 years ago grade school children were taught to crouch under their desks in the event of a nuclear bomb. Look around. Government can't pass laws that will make you safe. Every day could be your last. If you don't have anything more than government to cling to, then you've got nothing.