Happy Earth Day 2016
While politicians are out celebrating Earth Day, and patting themselves on the back for the GREAT job that they're doing, recycling rates across the country are going DOWN.
We're drowning in trash.
We could be doing MUCH more if it weren't for gutless politicians and apathetic citizens.
While politicians are out celebrating Earth Day, and patting themselves on the back for the GREAT job that they're doing, recycling rates across the country are going DOWN.
We're drowning in trash.
We could be doing MUCH more if it weren't for gutless politicians and apathetic citizens.
The Commonwealth of Virginia requires each city, county, town or region to maintain a minimum recycling rate--15% in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. BIG whup!
Prince William County achieved a recycle rate of 38.7% in 2014. The Prince William County Public Works, Solid Waste Division Recycling Office received confirmation from Virginia Department of Environment Quality (DEQ) of the County’s Recycling Rate in May. This is a decline from the 2013 rate of 40.5% and a 2012 recycling rate of 41.3%.

Shame on the slackers--the VA General Assembly for Virginia's pathetic mandatory recycle rates and on urban, affluent Prince William County for not doing better.