Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
James Comey: "between a rock and a hard place"
classic "being between a rock and a hard place"; or, as my grandfather used to say, "damned if you do, and damned if you don't".
classic "being between a rock and a hard place"; or, as my grandfather used to say, "damned if you do, and damned if you don't".
If Comey wasn't motivated by politics, then it'll be a Washington first.
Personally, I don't think that he was.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
precursor to election day? who can blame the no-shows?
WOW! Tim Kaine Holds Rally and ONLY 30 PEOPLE Show Up!
precursor to election day???
precursor to election day???
Who can blame the no-shows?
Hope is fading...
Thursday, October 27, 2016
federal government idiots
On the one hand, Amtrak Reaches $265 Million Settlement Over Deadly Philadelphia Crash : The Two-Way : NPR
and on the other, U.S. Soldiers Told To Repay Thousands In Signing Bonuses From Height Of War Effort : The Two-Way : NPR
Does the federal government actively recruit idiots?!?
Fire them all!!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Villanova players, and the coolest people they met as national champs
Villanova players, and the coolest people they met as national champs
Villanova's NCAA championship basketball team has made Villanova (students, faculty, alumni, friends) proud. They are fine young men who have represented Villanova well!
Villanova's NCAA championship basketball team has made Villanova (students, faculty, alumni, friends) proud. They are fine young men who have represented Villanova well!
American Fall
Who do you want to represent you in government?
a person who
- is a political extremist
- puts party loyalty and political ideology first
- is financed by special interest donors
- speaks harshly of those who oppose them
- is dishonest
- disrespects the law
- unlike you, doesn't struggle to make ends meet
- unlike you, doesn't pay taxes
- is honest
- works hard
- pays taxes
- is patriotic
- respects the law
- is fair
- respects ordinary people more than political parties or ideologies
- will unify our country
It's time!
Monday, October 24, 2016
Who do you want to represent you in government?
a person who
- is a political extremist
- puts party loyalty and political ideology first
- is financed by special interest donors
- speaks harshly of those who oppose them
- is dishonest
- disrespects the law
- unlike you, doesn't struggle to make ends meet
- unlike you, doesn't pay taxes
- is honest
- works hard
- pays taxes
- is patriotic
- respects the law
- is fair
- respects ordinary people more than political parties or ideologies
- will unify our country
Sunday, October 23, 2016
The gospel reading for Sunday October 23, 2016 is from Luke, chapter 18, verses 9 to 14:
USCCB » Bible » Daily Readings
October 23, 2016
LK 18:9-14
Jesus addressed this parable
to those who were convinced of their own righteousness
and despised everyone else.
“Two people went up to the temple area to pray;
one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector.
The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself,
‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity --
greedy, dishonest, adulterous -- or even like this tax collector.
I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.’
But the tax collector stood off at a distance
and would not even raise his eyes to heaven
but beat his breast and prayed,
‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’
I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former;
for whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Flying back to Rome from Azerbaijan Oct. 2, Pope Francis was asked by a reporter what U.S. Catholics should do in a presidential election where both candidates hold some positions contrary to church teaching. http://www.catholicnews.com/services/englishnews/2016/when-political-choice-is-tough-pray-and-vote-your-conscience-pope-says.cfm In short, what Pope Francis said was "When political choice is tough, pray and vote your conscience".
My question: Is it right for a priest, after reading the gospel for Sunday, October 23, 2016, and presumably knowing what Pope Francis said about U.S. Catholics voting in a presidential election, to strongly suggest in his homily that we should vote for the other guy because of Hillary Clinton's view on abortion?
My answer: I think not. My answer isn't because of my personal view on abortion. My own personal conscience tells me that abortion is murder--whether it's in the first week or the last week of pregnancy. My answer has to do with a priest strongly suggesting that we should vote for the other guy, and my personal belief that I, a priest, or anyone else for that matter, shouldn't try to impose our personal beliefs on others publicly in a matter of conscience. These matters of conscience are between God and each individual only.
The Pharisee prayed as a "moral authority"; he condemned the tax collector and exalted himself.
How did the tax collector know that he was a sinner? Because someone told him that he was a sinner? If someone had told the Pharisee that he was a sinner, would the Pharisee have believed him?
I believe that the tax collector knew that he was a sinner because his conscience told him so.
God is the only true "moral authority". I personally believe that God tells us, through our prayers, via our conscience, what is right and what is wrong. I also believe that it isn't up to me, or anyone else for that matter, to tell others what they should or shouldn't do in a matter of conscience. This is for God alone.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Don't vote for either one
- one ignores US law as Secretary of State, playing fast and loose with classified government material on her own private computer server, all the while executing a disastrous foreign policy.
- the other has engaged in a campaign of insults and hateful rhetoric unbefitting the office of POTUS.
Here's why we shouldn't waste our vote on either one:
Hope is fading...
go to hell, Duterte
winners and losers.
There are no winners. just losers.
US foreign policy loses again.
Duterte and the Philippines lose.
Behind Duterte’s Bluster, a Philippine Shift Away From the U.S. - The New York Times
Philippines' Duterte tells Obama to 'go to hell'
Go to hell, Duterte.
There are no winners. just losers.
US foreign policy loses again.
Duterte and the Philippines lose.
Behind Duterte’s Bluster, a Philippine Shift Away From the U.S. - The New York Times
Philippines' Duterte tells Obama to 'go to hell'
Go to hell, Duterte.
By NIB-MALACANANG (Malacañang Photo Bureau) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
It's almost over... until the next time
- dirty politics
- scandals
- lies
- namecalling
- lack of serious discussion and solutions to our country's problems
- etc.
It's almost over... until the next time.
Democratic and Republican party control over our elections have brought us to this.
28 years ago the League of Women Voters had enough.
I've had enough.
How about you?
It's not too early to report who won the third debate
Rumor has it that reporters for several major media outlets are on leave.
not to worry.
They recorded their stories "Clinton wins third debate" before they left.
not to worry.
They recorded their stories "Clinton wins third debate" before they left.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
October 17, 2016 Antares rocket launch
Will you be able to see the NASA Wallops rocket launch Monday night? Check this map. | Science & Technology | pilotonline.com
an exercise in orienteering...
Step 3. Watch the launch livestream on NASA TV and look in the direction that you determined from the two steps above.
Bottom line: when the direction in which you're looking contains air traffic from Manassas Regional Airport, Reagan National and Dulles, and the object that you're trying to see is a 130 ft. high rocket 100+ miles away, it's hard to say definitively that you saw it--but, I'm saying that I did!
it was a red light--it looked like an airplane light. however, it disappeared for a minute or so, and then reappearred, seemingly farther away. since it was a clear night w/o any clouds, perhaps the disappearance and reappearance was the end of one rocket stage and the beginning of the next.
Orbital ATK's Antares Rocket Returns to Flight with Gorgeous Night Cargo Launch
an exercise in orienteering...
Step 1. Find the direction (azimuth) to look. Use Google maps to find the latitude and longitude of your location and the location that you're looking towards. e.g., Wallops Island VA: 37.854885, -75.4812.42. Use https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/distance-and-azimuths to find the azimuth between your location and the location that you're looking towards.
Step 2. In Google maps zoom in on the place that you're looking from. Find a street, building, or other features that you can see and get the latitude and longitude for two points on your "reference line" (e.g., property or fence line, street, building or line between buildings, etc.) Use https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/distance-and-azimuths to find the azimuth of your "reference line". Subtract the azimuth in step 1 from the azimuth in step 2 for the angle between your reference line and the direction that you're looking towards.
Step 2. In Google maps zoom in on the place that you're looking from. Find a street, building, or other features that you can see and get the latitude and longitude for two points on your "reference line" (e.g., property or fence line, street, building or line between buildings, etc.) Use https://www.fcc.gov/media/radio/distance-and-azimuths to find the azimuth of your "reference line". Subtract the azimuth in step 1 from the azimuth in step 2 for the angle between your reference line and the direction that you're looking towards.
Step 3. Watch the launch livestream on NASA TV and look in the direction that you determined from the two steps above.
Bottom line: when the direction in which you're looking contains air traffic from Manassas Regional Airport, Reagan National and Dulles, and the object that you're trying to see is a 130 ft. high rocket 100+ miles away, it's hard to say definitively that you saw it--but, I'm saying that I did!
it was a red light--it looked like an airplane light. however, it disappeared for a minute or so, and then reappearred, seemingly farther away. since it was a clear night w/o any clouds, perhaps the disappearance and reappearance was the end of one rocket stage and the beginning of the next.
Orbital ATK's Antares Rocket Returns to Flight with Gorgeous Night Cargo Launch
Monday, October 17, 2016
APA Survey Reveals 2016 Presidential Election Source of Significant Stress for More Than Half of Americans
APA Survey Reveals 2016 Presidential Election Source of Significant Stress for More Than Half of Americans
an excellent article--particularly the recommendations.
an excellent article--particularly the recommendations.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Hillary Clinton for president endorser Air Force Amy
Strange the things that one finds on the web these days.
I was surfing the net and came across the "List of Hillary Clinton presidential campaign endorsements, 2016". It's a long, distinguished list of "government officials, diplomats, bureaucrats, politicians, notable individuals and celebrities".
In group 1.7, "Celebrities", is subgroup 1.7.3, "Media personalities and socialites".
The second subheading is "Models".
First in the list of "Models" is "Air Force Amy", complete with hotlink (excuse the pun) and photograph.

I was surfing the net and came across the "List of Hillary Clinton presidential campaign endorsements, 2016". It's a long, distinguished list of "government officials, diplomats, bureaucrats, politicians, notable individuals and celebrities".
In group 1.7, "Celebrities", is subgroup 1.7.3, "Media personalities and socialites".
The second subheading is "Models".
First in the list of "Models" is "Air Force Amy", complete with hotlink (excuse the pun) and photograph.

Hope is fading...
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Hillary's cabinet
no kidding, #1 under the heading "Models": Air Force Amy - Wikipedia.
"Air Force Amy (born c. 1962) is an American prostitute,[1] adult model, and reality TV performer[2] MSNBC has called her "a living legend in the world of sex."[3]
Friday, October 14, 2016
don't perpetuate the lie that US voters don't have alternatives
Some people say "there are no alternatives with our two party system of government."
They're wrong. Even in dictatorships and theocracies there are alternatives, e.g. Arab Spring.
They're wrong. Even in dictatorships and theocracies there are alternatives, e.g. Arab Spring.
Arab Spring
The series of protests and demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa that commenced in 2010, became known as the "Arab Spring". By the end of February 2012, rulers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen had been forced from power. Civil uprisings had erupted in Bahrain and Syria. During this period of regional unrest, several leaders announced their intentions to step down at the end of their current terms. The geopolitical implications of the protests drew global attention.Our two party system of government is broken.
- BIG $ in politics
- weak candidates
- "scorched earth" campaigns
- hostile rhetoric
- lack of direction
- lack of solutions
- a contentious and ineffective Congress
- a "politics first" Executive Branch
- a politicized Supreme Court
- contention at home
- contention abroad
- lingering, unresolved, national, state and local problems
Voting for Democratic and Republican candidates is the problem, not the solution. If 50% or more of voters in the upcoming election were to vote for a third-party or write-in candidate, then a POWERFUL message would be sent to BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties. Even if Clinton or Trump is elected, the outlook for Democratic and Republican control of future elections would be seriously diminished.
Don't perpetuate the lie by the Democratic and Republican parties and the media that we don't have alternatives to our two party system of government.
BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. Don't vote for Democratic or Republican party candidates in this election.
Don't perpetuate the lie by the Democratic and Republican parties and the media that we don't have alternatives to our two party system of government.
BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. Don't vote for Democratic or Republican party candidates in this election.
The Middle East had its spring; the US should have its fall
Arab Spring
The series of protests and demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa that commenced in 2010, became known as the "Arab Spring". By the end of February 2012, rulers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen had been forced from power. Civil uprisings had erupted in Bahrain and Syria. During this period of regional unrest, several leaders announced their intentions to step down at the end of their current terms. The geopolitical implications of the protests drew global attention.
Arab Spring - Wikipedia
Make November 8, 2016 the beginning of "American Fall".
Our two party system of government is broken.
- BIG $ in politics
- weak candidates
- "scorched earth" campaigns
- hostile rhetoric
- lack of direction
- lack of solutions
- a contentious and ineffective Congress
- a "politics first" Executive Branch
- a politicized Supreme Court
- contention at home
- contention abroad
- lingering, unresolved, national, state and local problems
BE PART OF "American Fall". Don't vote for Democratic or Republican party candidates in this election.
take it or leave it? our two-party system of government
Our two-party system of government is broken.
It's time to fix our two-party system. If 50% or more of voters in the upcoming election were to vote for a third-party or write-in candidate, then a POWERFUL message would be sent to BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties. Even if Clinton or Trump is elected, the outlook for Democratic and Republican party control of future elections would be seriously diminished.
- BIG $ in politics
- weak candidates
- "scorched earth" campaigns
- hostile rhetoric
- lack of direction
- lack of solutions
- a contentious and ineffective Congress
- a "politics first" Executive Branch
- a politicized Supreme Court
- contention at home
- contention abroad
- lingering, unaddressed, national, state and local problems
It's time to fix our two-party system. If 50% or more of voters in the upcoming election were to vote for a third-party or write-in candidate, then a POWERFUL message would be sent to BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties. Even if Clinton or Trump is elected, the outlook for Democratic and Republican party control of future elections would be seriously diminished.
BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. Don't vote for Democratic or Republican party candidates in this election.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Clinton Spokesman Mocks Catholics and Evangelicals
Forming Consciences For Faithful Citizenship - Part III - Goals For Political Life: Challenges For Citizens, Candidates, And Public Officials
92. Catholic teaching challenges voters and candidates, citizens and elected officials, to consider the moral and ethical dimensions of public policy issues. In light of ethical principles, we bishops offer the following policy goals that we hope will guide Catholics as they form their consciences and reflect on the moral dimensions of their public choices. Not all issues are equal; these ten goals address matters of different moral weight and urgency. Some involve intrinsically evil acts, which can never be approved. Others involve affirmative obligations to seek the common good. These and similar goals can help voters and candidates act on ethical principles rather than particular interests and partisan allegiances. We hope Catholics will ask candidates how they intend to help our nation pursue these important goals:
- Address the preeminent requirement to protect the weakest in our midst—innocent unborn children—by restricting and bringing to an end the destruction of unborn children through abortion and providing women in crisis pregnancies the supports they need to make a decision for life.
- Keep our nation from turning to violence to address fundamental problems—a million abortions each year to deal with unwanted pregnancies, euthanasia and assisted suicide to deal with the burdens of illness and disability, the destruction of human embryos in the name of research, the use of the death penalty to combat crime, and imprudent resort to war to address international disputes.
- Protect the fundamental understanding of marriage as the life-long and faithful union of one man and one woman and as the central institution of society; promote the complementarity of the sexes and reject false "gender" ideologies; and provide better support for family life morally, socially, and economically, so that our nation helps parents raise their children with respect for life, sound moral values, and an ethic of stewardship and responsibility.
- Achieve comprehensive immigration reform that offers a path to citizenship, treats immigrant workers fairly, prevents the separation of families, maintains the integrity of our borders, respects the rule of law, and addresses the factors that compel people to leave their own countries.
- Help families and children overcome poverty: ensuring access to and choice in education, as well as decent work at fair, living wages and adequate assistance for the vulnerable in our nation, while also helping to overcome widespread hunger and poverty around the world, especially in the areas of development assistance, debt relief, and international trade.
- Provide health care while respecting human life, human dignity, and religious freedom in our health care system.
- Continue to oppose policies that reflect prejudice, hostility toward immigrants, religious bigotry, and other forms of unjust discrimination.
- Encourage families, community groups, economic structures, and government to work together to overcome poverty, pursue the common good, and care for creation, with full respect for individuals and groups and their right to address social needs in accord with their basic moral and religious convictions.
- Establish and comply with moral limits on the use of military force—examining for what purposes it may be used, under what authority, and at what human cost—with a special view to seeking a responsible and effective response for ending the persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
- Join with others around the world to pursue peace, protect human rights and religious liberty, and advance economic justice and care for creation.
Trump??? ... enough said.
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