Saturday, March 1, 2025

Zelenskyy took the bait

It just goes to show what happens when President Zelenskyy is the only adult in the room.

Shame on US voters who voted for draft-dodger and Putin boot-licker Trump. For all of its history, brave US citizens have fought and died for freedom. We need more leaders like President Zelenskyy and the proud citizens of Ukraine who will fight to their death for freedom. Draft dodger and Putin boot-licker Trump just doesn't get it.

"I learned long ago, never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." George Bernard Shaw

attribution: Matthew Kenwrick and flickr

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

fat cats

Fat cat Donald Trump and his band of merry fat cats aren't making America great again. They're making the USA a monarchy/dictatorship--USFC, the United States of Fat Cats. 

Gut the Justice Department, IRS, USAID, etc.--any program that doesn't benefit fat cat Trump and his band of self-serving fat cats. 

Endorse any program for the rich--including selling "gold cards" to immigrant fat cats. 

And it's all happening right in front of us.

Say goodbye to the United States of America.

Good luck to all those who, like us, aren't fat cats. We may have to find another country to live in.

attribution: Dan Perry and flickr

My apology to Dan Perry's wife's cat. Comparing cats to fat cat Trump and his band of self-serving fat cats is an insult to cats.

Monday, December 9, 2024


people of China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and other countries that oppress their citizens,

Syria did it. 

YOU can do it too!

Friday, November 1, 2024

and you thought that George Santos was bad? 

This has been the nastiest, most partisan, most negative, most divisive, election that I've ever seen--local, state and federal. 

Is our country divided? Does a bear poop in the woods?

Here's who to blame:

Saturday, October 5, 2024

breaking down the debate

It's simple.
  • it's the extreme left democratic party vs. the extreme right republican party
  • 1/2 of registered voters won't vote
  • flip a coin

I'll be part of the 1/2 majority. I've got better things to do than to support extremist party politics.

"I am not a robot."

are you sure? 

do you think for yourself? or do you let someone(s) or something(s) else do your thinking for you? are you brainwashed? 

are you addicted? to alcohol? to drugs? to your phone? to pleasure? comfort? are you addicted to an ideology? to media? to religion? to a political party?

do you care about other people? poverty? hunger? homelessness? oppression? do you care about the environment? global warming? pollution? or do you care only about yourself? 

let's not fool ourselves--we're all robots.

attribution: Rachel.Adams and flickr

Saturday, July 13, 2024

senseless violence

one rally attendee dead. several wounded, including one in critical condition. shooter dead. 

a lone wolf, mentally ill person with a gun? a legal gun? an illegal gun? drug addict?

what is clear is that this is another senseless crime. 

I wouldn't go to a political rally for all of the tea in china.

will it ever be safe to go anywhere?

attribution: Thomas Hawk and flickr

Monday, July 8, 2024

"deeply divided"

The media reports daily how "deeply divided" our nation is. 

Who or what is responsible for this "deep divide"? 

Can there be any doubt? 

Our "two-party" system of government and the political parties themselves (and their candidates) are responsible.

Enough with the two-party system of government.

Enough with candidates who are too egomaniacal, narcissistic and old to be president.

Enough with the Democratic and Republican parties.

Enough is enough!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

enough is enough!

A US citizen has to be 35 years old to be president. If a candidate for president had to be no older than 65 when their term expired, then HALF of the population meets these requirements. Needless to say, there are PLENTY of good candidates to choose from.

Enough with the two party system of government.

Enough with candidates who are too old to be president.

Enough with the Democratic and Republican parties.

Enough is enough!

Friday, June 28, 2024

dead duck

In politics, a lame duck is a president who has served for two terms and can't run again. 

After last night's debate, the term that is more applicable for Joe Biden is "dead duck". I sympathize with old Joe. I'm old too. I get confused and distracted too. I am painfully aware that, physically and mentally, I can't perform like I did years ago. The very thought of someone my age being president of the US is frightening.

So, where does this leave the US? The only viable choice is Biden or Trump. 

If you're looking for someone(s) to blame , then you can blame our two party system of government. You can blame the Democratic and Republican parties for Biden and Trump. Policy, and everything else, aside, both of them are too old to be president. 

A US citizen has to be 35 years old to be president. If a candidate for president had to be no older than 65 when their term expired, then HALF of the population meets these requirements. Needless to say, there are PLENTY of good candidates to choose from.

You can blame those who support the Democratic and Republican parties for Biden and Trump. You can blame voters for not demanding better candidates. And, you can blame voters for voting for them.

Enough with the two party system of government.

Enough with candidates who are too old to be president. 

Enough with the Democratic and Republican parties.

Enough is enough!