Wednesday, February 26, 2025

fat cats

Fat cat Donald Trump and his band of merry fat cats aren't making America great again. They're making the USA a monarchy/dictatorship--USFC, the United States of Fat Cats. 

Gut the Justice Department, IRS, USAID, etc.--any program that doesn't benefit fat cat Trump and his band of self-serving fat cats. 

Endorse any program for the rich--including selling "gold cards" to immigrant fat cats. 

And it's all happening right in front of us.

Say goodbye to the United States of America.

Good luck to all those who, like us, aren't fat cats. We may have to find another country to live in.

attribution: Dan Perry and flickr

My apology to Dan Perry's wife's cat. Comparing cats to fat cat Trump and his band of self-serving fat cats is an insult to cats.

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