Sunday, May 21, 2023

fatima apparitions and russia

In 1917 Mary, mother of Jesus, appeared to three children at Fatima, Portugal (Our Lady of Fátima - Wikipedia). War (World War I - Wikipedia) was raging in Europe. During WWI socialists in russia overthrew the government (Russian Revolution - Wikipedia). Mary warned the world of the evils of socialism/communism (Our Lady of Fátima - Wikipedia). 

Those evils persist today. russia, aka putin, invades ukraine. The evils of communism have spread all over the world--china, north korea, vietnam, iran, etc. 

dictators who want to rule the world, e.g. putin, xi jinping, kim jung un, ali khamenei, etc., should take a look at hitler's germany and mussolini's italy to see what happens to dictators (and their countries) who want to rule the world. 

dictators start wars. coalitions of tyrant-free nations will continue to end wars--and the dictators who start them. 

attribution: Avelino de Almeia, journalist at the O Seculo dialy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons