Monday, June 29, 2015


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Last Friday the US Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriages are legal in the US. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is outraged. Supreme Court Decision on Marriage “A Tragic Error” Says President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference

The Supreme Court's decision is a tragic one for many older "cradle Catholics". At a young age we were taught that marriage is a sacrament--a sacred covenant between a man and a woman blessed by God. We were taught that marriage, or matrimony, is part of God's plan for procreating humanity--God's creatures "creating" other humans in harmony with the Creator Himself. We were taught "What God has joined together let no man put asunder." Mark 10 6-9, Matthew 19 4-6

The problem is that with the horrible scandals in the Catholic Church (priests sexually abusing minors, higherups covering it up, Vatican bank, debauchery in seminaries, etc.) that the Catholic Church has lost its credibility as a moral leader. It's pure hypocrisy for the Catholic Church to point its finger at the evildoings of others when the Church is guilty of grave evildoing itself.

Perhaps the US Supreme Court's ruling is God's chastisement of His Church for its sins. Regardless, the redefinition of marriage in our society is difficult for many cradle Catholics to take.

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