Wednesday, August 24, 2016

counter pope

"Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, who took the name John XXIII, was a 'counter-pope', a break from the vast majority of his predecessors."

from Constantine's Sword, by James Carroll pp. 549 - 551:
"When at the beginning of Vatican II, he denounced the "prophets of doom," everyone knew that he was speaking of those who had set the tone in his own Church for generations. He was himself an alternative example of what the Church could now become. "As unforgettable as his person was;' Hans Kung wrote of Pope John, "what he achieved for the Catholic Church was unforgettable too. In five years he renewed the Catholic Church more than his predecessors had in five hundred years . . . Only with John did the Middle Ages come to an end in the Catholic Church.” 

"Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was just turning seventy-seven when he assumed the papacy in 1958, elected as a compromise candidate whose great age was expected to keep him from doing much as pope."

"Many believe that the more liberal Pope John XXIII was canonized in 2014 along with the more conservative Pope John-Paul II were canonized together in order to keep both the far right and the far left wings of the church from complaining."

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