Thursday, July 20, 2017

critical universal health care issues that are missing from the national debate

key universal health care issues are missing from the national debate.
some of these issues are identified here:
America’s Medical “Black Box”: The Mystery of Health care Quality - Grand Rounds

there are more:
- does medical technology have the last word on how long that people live?
- if costly medical procedures covered by universal health care might extend a person's life, then should the age of the beneficiary be considered? in other words, is it equally important to extend the life of an old person as it is to extend the life of an infant, and visa versa?
- should the high cost of extraordinary medical treatments be paid for by all, regardless of the beneficiary's age or financial status?
- etc.

while our elected leaders in the federal government, and the media, go round and round in their seemingly endless debate, the most basic fundamental issues regarding universal health care are being ignored.
wouldn't it be better to address the fundamental issues first?
then it might not be so difficult to address the details.
but, it takes courage to address these basic issues.
and, the lack of courage from our elected leaders may be at the heart of the problem.

here's an idea:

those who seek aid from the government for their extraordinary medical expenses would have to apply to the government in the same way as students applying for government-insured loans for college. the applicant's age and financial status would be included in the application and would be subject to government verification. congress would then decide which applications are approved. this would insure that no applications would ever be approved because congress wouldn't be able to act on the application before the applicant died.

here's an even better idea:
who do you trust?

- someone who you know who has similar values to yours?
- or political parties that are financed by billionaire corporations and billionaire PACs?

here's how government is controlled in the US:
The good, the bad & the ugly: the godfather: politics in the US

If you vote for a republican or a democrat, then it's not the person that you voted for who is in control--it's the party.

In the next election--national, state or local--vote for anyone except a democrat or a republican.

Soon the republican and democratic parties will die.

Nothing will be better for our country.

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