Saturday, February 3, 2018

tired of the same old actors?

"we don't need congress to change our two party system of government, or to pass a law limiting terms. why would they? neither would be in their, or their party's, best interests. 

we can use our vote to change our two-party system of government and to limit terms. 

out with the old and in with the new." 

minds of mush: tired of the same old actors? 

if we:
  • don't vote 
  • vote republican or democrat because "that's the way that ___________ (parent(s), church, media, teacher, friend, etc.) always votes/voted"
  • always vote straight republican/democrat regardless of the candidate or issues
then are: 
  • we responsible citizens of a free government? 
  • or are we slaves to government that is not "of the people, by the people, for the people"
if it's the latter, then freedom "will perish from the earth". (Abraham Lincoln)

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