Saturday, September 15, 2018

wake up, america! our two party system of government is broken!

Orman For Kansas on Twitter: "I'm running for governor of Kansas because we have been shut out of our own government by party politics & nationally-driven agendas. As I look at what has been going on in our state, it is very clear that over the last 10 years, something has gone very wrong. #ksgov #ksleg…" 

watch the video.

this guy has the right idea. if enough people stopped voting for republicans and democrats, then the democratic and republican parties would go out of business--despite the mega-donations from PACs & individual mega-rich donors in both parties. do voters have the will and intelligence to reject the easy way of letting someone or something else determine who they will vote for (e.g., media political (attack) ads, CNN, Fox News, "talking heads", the republican party, the democratic party, their union, their church, their family, their friends, etc.)? or, will they take the responsible way of researching the values and positions of candidates, and then cast their thoughtful vote to reject our failed two-party system?

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