Tuesday, July 7, 2020

are you tired of government lies? YOU can help to fix this mess.

our culture has come to accept being lied to by not only salesmen, but also by news media and government at every level--local, state and federal. the executive and legislative branches of the federal government are full of liars.

had enough?

public domain

the good news is that we can revolt peacefully by voting on November 3, 2020. here's how:

to fix our dysfunctional government is simple and easy--stop voting for  republican and democratic party candidates, including incumbents. 
image by Democracy Chronicles

voting for a republican or a democrat is a vote for their party. 
public domain

even with their billion dollar donors, if voters don't vote for republicans and democrats, then the republican and democratic parties will shrivel up and die.

once the republican and democratic parties are gone, and lobbyists are rendered powerless, then our no-party representatives can fix the USA. much-needed changes to the constitution can be made--like "no taxation without representation", a.k.a. powerful national politicians (e.g. pelosi, mcconnell, etc.) that 99+ percent of americans didn't vote for.

hopefully, some day, when the republican party, the democratic party, antiquated party rules and lobbyists are gone, and the constitution has been amended, then we'll be able to vote for leaders who will try to make our country better rather than throw rocks at each other.

nothing will be better for our country. 

the same goes for the news media--stop patronizing biased news media that lobby for the republican and democratic parties instead of reporting the news factually and truthfully. they'll go out of business. nothing will be better for the USA. 

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