Saturday, March 17, 2018

a quote from FL governor rick scott that makes me sick

Blame game between state, FIU escalates in Miami bridge collapse | Miami Herald

a quote that makes me sick: “'It was not a FDOT project. It was an FIU project,' Scott told reporters the night of the accident." Gov. Scott, FYI the road under the bridge is a PUBLIC road, and that makes the project the state of Florida's responsibility--YOUR administration's responsibility. Who do you think is responsible for granting permission for a bridge that goes over a public road? for approving plans? for issuing permits? for monitoring construction? for assuring the safety of the travelling public UNDER the bridge? Harry Truman, "the buck stops here", would be appalled!

Caller reported cracks in Florida bridge before collapse 
2 reports. 
1st report: 9:10 pm "Florida's Department of Transportation says an engineer left a voicemail two days before the catastrophic bridge failure to say some cracking had been found at one of the concrete spans. In a transcript of the voicemail released Friday night, Denney Pate with FIGG Bridge Group says the cracking would need repairs 'but from a safety perspective we don't see that there's any issue there so we're not concerned about it from that perspective.'" 

2nd report: 6 pm "The lawsuit stemmed from FIGG Bridge Group's building of the Southern Norfolk Jordan Bridge in 2012. During construction in Chesapeake, a 90-ton segment fell onto railroad tracks below. The railroad sued. FIGG and a subcontractor, Lane Construction Corporation, argued over responsibility. Lane claimed FIGG failed to properly design the bridge's construction system. FIGG claimed Lane was in charge of installing the segment. The allegations were made in a lawsuit that was later settled. A confidentiality agreement bars the release of details." 

regardless of any future confidentiality agreements, given the catastrophic nature of this failure, the fatalities and the media attention, I expect that the Florida professional engineer registration board will conduct a complete investigation, and PE licenses lifted, as happened in 1981 with the Kansas City, Missouri Hyatt Regency walkway collapse. needless to say, the families of those killed and injured in this horrific failure are suffering. please pray for them. 

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