Thursday, July 19, 2018

deja vu all over again--when will we get wise to the fact that our two-party system of government is broken, and do something about it?

"All in all, it's hard to make a case that Americans -- in this year of great disgruntlement with their government -- engaged in heroic efforts to use the election as a tool to change things in Washington. Americans a) turned out to vote in unusually low numbers, and b) when they did vote, sent most members of Congress and senators who were seeking re-election back to Washington, just where they had been.

There are no signs so far that things have changed after the election. Our immediate post-election survey showed approval for Congress back down to near its all-time lows, satisfaction with the way things are going at a similarly low ebb, and dysfunctional government is still near the top of the public's list of the most important problems facing the U.S. Similarly, other surveys conducted after the election show that the public holds out low levels of hope that things are going to get better going forward. A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows that 40% of Americans think there will be no difference in how elected leaders work together to get things done in Washington as a result of the election, and another 32% say they are less confident that this will occur. Of course, as the proverb has said, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." We will see shortly enough whether the behavior of the elected representatives who make up the House and the Senate, either in this lame-duck session or in the new session that begins in January, will do anything to ameliorate the jaundiced and negative way in which they are viewed by the American public."

had enough? 

who do you trust?
- someone who you know who has similar values to yours? 
- someone who understands what their job is (e.g. pass laws)?
- who works well with others?
- who does what is necessary (e.g. compromise) to get the job done?

- or an idealogue, an obstructionist, who doesn't compromise, doesn't work well with others, doesn't do their job, and doesn't move the country forward?

- or do you trust political parties that are financed by billionaire corporations and billionaire PACs that breed idealogue obstructionists? 

here's how government operates: 

the fix to our dysfunctional government is simple and easy--stop voting for lousy candidates who don't have values similar to yours, who don't do the job that they're supposed to be doing, and who don't represent the interests of our country, i.e. to move our country forward. 

If you vote for a republican or a democrat, then it's not the person who you voted for who is in control--it's the party--the hand that holds the puppet/money strings. 

In the next election--national, state or local--vote for someone who shares your values who is not a democrat or a republican. 

even with their billion dollar donors, the republican and democratic parties will shrivel up and die if no one votes for their lousy candidates.

Nothing will be better for our country.

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