Wednesday, June 14, 2017

media talking heads

Today a gunman opened fire on congressmen practicing in a public park in Alexandria VA for their annual charity baseball game. 

All morning long "talking heads" on the major television and cable news networks have been telling us what they think that this means. 

Some suggest that social media is at fault. Others blame guns. Some say more protection for members of congress is needed. Some say people are too passionate about politics. on and on and on.

Why do media types feel that they must tell the rest of us what they think? Who really cares what some reporter thinks? Report the news (facts). Stop giving us your opinion. We don't care what you think.

FB and blogs are for people to express their opinions. Just because someone has an opinion different from some reporter's doesn't make that person a threat or a nut. My FB page and my blogs are for me to post what I think. Some people may care. Most don't. Frankly, I don't care whether people read my posts or not.

Here's what I think:
  • what happened this morning in Alexandria is a crime.
  • law enforcement should investigate and charge the person(s) responsible.
  • the person(s) charged should be tried, and if found guilty, be put away where he (they) cannot harm others.
  • when a shooting such as the one that occurred this morning happens, unless a victim(s) has a gun and knows how to use it to defend himself, he's helpless--que sera sera. (fact: I do not have, nor have I ever had, a gun.)
  • the media is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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