Thursday, June 20, 2024

Alzheimer's disease

Can there be greater suffering than that caused by Alzheimer's disease, particularly to a married couple when one has the disease and the other is their caregiver? One is confused, distracted and annoyed as their brain shrinks. They lash out at their caregiver. It's not their fault. It's the disease. Their caregiver becomes the brunt of their spouse's confusion, distraction and annoyance. 

Both of us are confused, distracted and annoyed. I'm not sure that I'm more confused and distracted as many people my age. I definitely feel that I'm more annoyed than most people in my age group.

Little is known about Alzheimer's disease other than Alzheimer's is a widespread fatal disease for which there is no cure. 

Please pray for those who have Alzheimer's disease, and pray for their caregivers.

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