Friday, June 28, 2024

dead duck

In politics, a lame duck is a president who has served for two terms and can't run again. 

After last night's debate, the term that is more applicable for Joe Biden is "dead duck". I sympathize with old Joe. I'm old too. I get confused and distracted too. I am painfully aware that, physically and mentally, I can't perform like I did years ago. The very thought of someone my age being president of the US is frightening.

So, where does this leave the US? The only viable choice is Biden or Trump. 

If you're looking for someone(s) to blame , then you can blame our two party system of government. You can blame the Democratic and Republican parties for Biden and Trump. Policy, and everything else, aside, both of them are too old to be president. 

A US citizen has to be 35 years old to be president. If a candidate for president had to be no older than 65 when their term expired, then HALF of the population meets these requirements. Needless to say, there are PLENTY of good candidates to choose from.

You can blame those who support the Democratic and Republican parties for Biden and Trump. You can blame voters for not demanding better candidates. And, you can blame voters for voting for them.

Enough with the two party system of government.

Enough with candidates who are too old to be president. 

Enough with the Democratic and Republican parties.

Enough is enough!

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